
there's a new baby in our family 
date of birth : 18 / DECEMBER / 2011

♥TQ being my visitor ! Like if Suka !♥


Aku takkan lelah menunggu
Hingga waktu ajal menjemputku
Takkan pernah ada sesalku untuk menunggumu

Aku harus tetap menunggu
Hingga nanti aku berbaring
Sampai mati aku akan tetap menunggumu

Ingin ku gapai bulan dan ku petik bintang
Ingin ku berikan semua hanya untukmu
Agar kau tahu besarnya cintaku kepada dirimu

Ku ingin kau tahu tentang perasaanku
Ku ingin kau tahu besar cinta padamu
Ingin ku berikan sisa waktuku
Dan sisa umurku sampai mati

Aku harus tetap menunggu
Hingga nanti aku berbaring
Sampai mati aku akan tetap akan tetap menunggumu

Ingin ku gapai bulan dan ku petik bintang
Ingin ku berikan semua hanya untukmu
Agar kau tahu besarnya cintaku kepada dirimu

Ku ingin kau tahu tentang perasaanku
Ku ingin kau tahu besar cinta padamu
Ingin ku berikan sisa waktuku
Dan sisa umurku

Ingin ku gapai bulan dan ku petik bintang
Ingin ku berikan semua hanya untukmu
Agar kau tahu besarnya cintaku kepada dirimu

Ingin ku gapai bulan dan ku petik bintang
Ingin ku berikan semua hanya untukmu
Agar kau tahu besarnya cintaku kepada dirimu

Ku ingin kau tahu tentang perasaanku
Ku ingin kau tahu besar cinta padamu
Ingin ku berikan sisa waktuku
Dan sisa umurku sampai mati

♥TQ being my visitor ! Like if Suka !♥


So theres this boy
and the way he laughs make me smile ,
and the way he talks give me butterflies
and just about everything ,
about him makes me happy .

♥TQ being my visitor ! Like if Suka !♥


If you love someone , tell him or her .
Forget about the rule or the fear of looking ridiculous .
What is truly ridiculous is ,
passing up on an opportunity to tell someone 
that your heart is invested in him or her .

♥TQ being my visitor ! Like if Suka !♥

Free Hair or Bertudung ?

I dont't want to make it as issue or whatever
But I think wearing tudung or not
we're just THE SAME
the only different is ,

Don't ever JUDGE people
JUDGE yourself first .

♥TQ being my visitor ! Like if Suka !♥


I feel like I'm having a stalker
I feel like someone is monitoring my daily activities
What is wrong with you stalker ?

♥TQ being my visitor ! Like if Suka !♥

Got it !

I don't care what you think of me ,
it couldn't be half as bad as what I think of you

I don't have issues ,
I just have happiness .
Thus making you miserable is my happiness :)


♥TQ being my visitor ! Like if Suka !♥


stop bothering me please ?
its really annoying okay 
i don't know why im easily getting angry these few days
maybe its time for period . maybe ~

♥TQ being my visitor ! Like if Suka !♥

Are you jealous with me ?

i don't care what people is going to say about me 
do i look like i care so much ?
thanks you for being my stalker .

i don't understand why you're so jealous with me
did i hurt you feeling or what ?
or did i'm too happy and always laugh everyday ? haha

♥TQ being my visitor ! Like if Suka !♥

Forgive me LABI

if i have done something wrong ,
please forgive me 

if i have talk bad things about you ,
please forgive me

if i didn't keep in touch with you ,
please forgive me

i'm a normal human being just like everyone
everyone makes mistake so , do i
sometimes what i have said to you ,
or i did something stupid things to you ,
i didn't mean it
if you know the real me , you know who am i

♥TQ being my visitor ! Like if Suka !♥

I Never Thought I 'd Fall In Love With You .

I looked into my heart and saw a treasure
Worth more than anything I'd ever had.

Ah ! This is love 
I thought . And then I wanted
To give my life to see your happiness .
Suddenly , from nowhere, I was haunted ,
Needy , joyful, tearful, glad, obsessed.

I never thought I'd fall in love with you .
I thought someday , of course, I'd fall in love .
But what it felt like, I just never knew ,
I'd no idea what I was thinking of .

And then, somewhere between my need and pleasure,
Walking neither overjoyed nor sad .

♥TQ being my visitor ! Like if Suka !♥

New Semester

hello sem 4 ,
i didn't realized the time table is super cool . haha
i have class only on tuesday , wednesday and friday :)
i miss my home very very very much .
i feel lonely when my friends still have classes going on .
i miss everyone :)

♥TQ being my visitor ! Like if Suka !♥

Am I stupid ??

graphic cip ?? apa tu ??
mmg sy x thu ape 2 graphic cip .
kwn2 selalu ckp graphic cip rosak ,
graphic cip x ley nk support ,
tp sy x thu pe 2 graphic cip ??
so help me !!
apa itu graphic chip ??

♥TQ being my visitor ! Like if Suka !♥

Period !

i hate to say this , but i've too .
when you're in period 
and you're easily to release your anger to other people
please don't talk to me
you're making me depressed and stressed out
if you know you're like this
i just can say don't talk to much

♥TQ being my visitor ! Like if Suka !♥

Fat ! Fat ! Fat !

OMG +++
oh , no!
I'm getting fat fat fat
I need to lose some weight now!
I ate too much these days :(
I need to control myself .

♥TQ being my visitor ! Like if Suka !♥

I really hate you !

I don't know why , 
I'm freaking hate you but not really
I just think we better stay away 
far far away from each others
You can say everything easily from your mouth 
but when you want to do that things
You refuse it . DANG!!
 I already know you LAHHH
I don't believe any single words coming out from your mouth anymore !

♥TQ being my visitor ! Like if Suka !♥

:: Him ::

Ayah! :)

Thanks Ayah for fetched me at Shah Alam
I'm so touched :(
That's why I want to drive by myself 
I don't want to spoil myself :(
I don't want to burden my dad but you can see my smiling face
When your parents come to pick you ,
 Auwww :)

I'm so sorry if I'm asking too much
I just love shopping ,
Okay Zetty , after this no more buying unwanted things okay! :)
Remember how hard your parents working every single day
Just want to give what you want and make you happy
Now appreciate what you have now , 
no more asking anymore
Work hard by yourself to get what you want
That is more satisfying and worth

Sumpah rasa bersalah bila minta duit kat Ayah
Takut nanti duit Ayah habis pulak
Dah la Ayah nak kena bayar banyak benda pulak
Kecian Ayah kerja siang dan malam pulak tu
Hari ahad pun Ayah kerja jugak
AH!! Sedihnyaa
I feel like I want to cry nowwwwww~

♥TQ being my visitor ! Like if Suka !♥

Memory Lost -__-"

i need my yahoo and formspring password...
i can't remember those password at all..
DANG !!!

p/s : sign up new acc !

♥TQ being my visitor ! Like if Suka !♥

Who Zetty??

Korunk Nak tahu , pasal Zetty ? HAHA .
Haa ! bole je , bace entry nie !
hahaha! :)

Z.E.T.T.Y ??
Apakah itu ?
Nama saya lah ! huhu .
Itu hanya nama samaran je oke ?
Kengkawan saje yang pggl dgn nama tuh.
But , Family Zetty pggl Zetty dgn nama Fatin ;)
kahkahkahkah ~
Karunk nk pggl Zetty jgk ?
ape salah nyer kan ?? Zetty oke jer aper2 pun tape .

Zetty ! Awk org mana ??
Eh . eh . Tak malu ker , tnye saya org mana ? haha .
lalalalalalalalalalla ~
Zetty org Melayu lah .! tak de mix mix ^^
Zetty asal dr Kuala Lumpur .. heee , And stay kat tmn melawati .!
Zetty stay taman melawati since Zetty baby ! Now dh 20 tahun ,

hee. k . dh .ciket2! :))

Cik Zetty ? Awk lahir bila ?? KAMI mau kasi hadiah !
OMG . ada orang nk kasi hadiah ohh .! boleh2!! nk !
Tp , make sure , hadiah tuh , kaler biru tow?
weee. ~
(ehhh! jgn pk yg bkn2 plak .!!!)
Zetty lahir ble ehh ??
cniyh !!!!
12 APRIL 1991!!
Egt taw??
Jgn luper2!
Klo Lupa , siap arr !
Grr =.=

(((...SEKIAN SAHAJA...)))

♥TQ being my visitor ! Like if Suka !♥

Copyright@Segala Yang Tercatat diatas adalah Hak Milik Penuh Zetty Carol